
Call for Nominations for the N.G. de Bruijn Prize 2025

Zondag 8 september

In 2025 the triennial N.G. de Bruijn prize will be awarded again during the Netherlands Mathematical Congress (NMC). The 2025 prize will be awarded for the best mathematical work that appeared in a peer reviewed journal in the years 2022 through 2024. The prize is provided by Elsevier, publisher of KWG's scientific journal Indagationes Mathematicae. Nominees for the prize either have the Dutch nationality, or live in The Netherlands, or are affiliated with a Dutch institute. The laureate receives a medal, a certificate, and EUR 4000. The laureate gives a plenary lecture at the NMC, and the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (NAW) publishes an interview with the laureate or an article aimed at a broad audience written by the laureate. Individuals can nominate a candidate by sending a nomination letter to the chair of the jury for the N.G. de Bruijn Prize, Prof.dr. Jasper Stokman before 9 October 2024.

Young KWG day on 24th of May for all early career mathematicians

Zondag 5 mei

In almost a month, the first day for early career mathematicians in the Netherlands will be organized! Don't miss it! Please forward the news among your teams.

We warmly invite all young researchers in mathematics in the Netherlands to join our first annual Young KWG day on Friday the 24th of May in Utrecht! Young KWG is the newest addition to the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG), and aims to foster a community of young mathematicians in the Netherlands in the early stages of their careers, ranging from PhD-students and Postdocs, to early career assistant professors, from aspiring mathematics teachers to young industry professionals.

On the first Young KWG day we aim to kickstart the Young KWG platform by providing all participants with a place to network, be inspired, and learn. Diletta Martinelli (assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam) will be our keynote speaker. There is a workshop session specifically aimed at young mathematicians, in which you can learn more about grant writing, giving a mathematical presentation, or how to build your own website. In addition, we will organise an exciting panel session on the bumpy road that is called a career, in which mathematicians that chose different career paths talk about their perspectives. 

More details about the program can be found at the Young KWG website (

Registration is open and accessible via this registration form (

Looking forward to seeing you in Utrecht!

On behalf of the organising committee 

Nicos Starreveld (Teacher in the Bachelor Mathematics at University of Amsterdam)    
Lotte Weedage (PhD candidate at University of Twente)
Sven Polak (Assistant Professor at Tilburg University)
Bharti Bharti (PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam)
Mar Curco Iranzo (PhD candidate at Utrecht University)
Martijn Gösgens (PhD candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology)
Nikki Levering  (Postdoc at University of Toulouse)
Tom van der Zanden (Assistant Professor at Maastricht University)

Vakantiecursus voor Leraren Wiskunde 2024

Dinsdag 9 april

De vakantiecursus voor leraren wiskunde 2024 zal plaatsvinden in Amsterdam (CWI): vrij 23 en za 24 augustus. En in  Antwerpen (Universiteit Antwerpen, Campus Groenenborger): vrij 6 en za 7 september.

De organisatie is in handen van PWN (Platform Wiskunde Nederland) en PWV (Platform Wiskunde Vlaanderen).

 Het thema is: “Banach-Tarski: hoe groepentheorie van één meloen er twee maakt”. 

Hoofddocenten: Stefaan Vaes (KU Leuven) en Jeroen Spandaw (TU Delft). Gastdocent: David Eelbode (UAntwerpen).

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NMC 2024

Donderdag 22 februari

On April the 2nd and 3d the Netherlands Mathematical Congress 2024 will take place in De Werelt in Lunteren! Keynote lectures will be given by Leslie Ann Goldberg (University of Oxford), Stefanie Jegelka (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and Amie Wilkinson (University of Chicago). The Beeger lecture will be given by Andrew Sutherland (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).

All four mathematics clusters, the two NWO Gravitation programmes, AI & Mathematics and 4TU.AMI will organize a parallel session. Furthermore, there will be sessions organized by EWM-NL and by the newly established Young KWG.

Next to the keynote lectures and the traditional parallel sessions, the programme elements that were introduced last year, will be offered: the workshops for PhD studentsthe Poster Competition and the Indagationes Mathematicae Best Paper Award session. Besides the latter, the Speed Dates session the KWG PhD Prize, the Stieltjes Prize and the Pythagoras Prize ceremonies will take place.


Woensdag 7 februari

Het KWG is op zoek naar een nieuwe bladmanager/eindredacteur voor Nieuw Archief en een zakelijk directeur voor Epsilon. Meer informaties vindt u in de bijgevoegde pdf.


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Toon al het nieuws

Over het KWG

Het Koninklijk Wiskundig Genootschap is een landelijke vereniging van beoefenaars van de wiskunde en iedereen die de wiskunde een warm hart toedraagt. De vereniging is in 1778 opgericht en is 's werelds oudste nationale wiskunde genootschap. Onder het tabblad "Aanbod KWG" meer over de congressen en publicaties van het KWG.

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