The Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG) publishes the quarterly Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Its first issue appeared in 1875 and it is now in its 'fifth series'. It is a beautiful informative journal for a broad audience, covering current mathematics topics in education, research, industry, and policy. It contains news, inaugural lectures, review articles, polemics, education analyses, a problem section, book and dissertation reviews, and much more. This publication is sent to all KWG members.
KWG's mathematical research journal is Indagationes Mathematicae. It appears six times per year and contains original mathematical research papers of high quality. It regularly has "Special Issues" dedicated to important events in Dutch mathematics, such as "L.E.J. Brouwer fifty years later". The journal is published for KWG by Elsevier.
We recognize that in recent years a growing number of researchers have chosen to publish in Open Access. As a Hybrid OA journal, Indagationes Mathematicae is included in Elsevier’s transformative agreements, helping authors affiliated with member institutions of participating organizations to publish their research open access without having to pay an APC (i.e. at no charge to the author) while still relying on high-quality peer-review and experienced editorial support. The cost of publishing open access is covered under the terms of the agreement. Please follow this link for the current list of agreements and participating organizations. In particular authors affiliated at institutions in the Netherlands and in many European countries fall under these agreements.
Every two months, KWG also publishes Pythagoras, the Dutch mathematics journal for young people. The rich archive of articles of Pythagoras (and also that of Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde) is accessible online.
The collected works of Stieltjes and Brouwer have been published with support from KWG.
Together with the Dutch Society for Mathematics Teachers, NVvW, KWG has founded Stichting Epsilon in 2005. The goal of this foundation is safeguarding the activities of Epsilon Uitgaven, i.e., the publication of their series of mathematics texts and the Zebra series .
Between 1906 and 1960, KWG has published the series Wiskundige Opgaven met de oplossingen, mathematical problems and their solutions.