About Young KWG
We are Young KWG, the newest addition to the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG). This section is founded to foster a community of young mathematicians in the early stages of their careers. When we say "young mathematicians", we embrace a broad spectrum, ranging from bachelor students to (assistant/associate) professors, from aspiring mathematics teachers to young industry professionals.
With Young KWG, we aim to create a community of young mathematicians in the Netherlands, a place where individuals can connect, interact, and learn from one another. We especially support international colleagues starting their careers in a new environment.
Events coming up
Young KWG day - 24th of May in Utrecht.
Location: Utrecht University, De Uithof campus, Marinus Ruppertgebouw
Registration: We ask all participants to contribute 15 euros to cover some of the costs of organising the day. Please register for the day via this form. After filling in the form you will receive a confirmation email with a link for the payment.
We warmly invite all young researchers in mathematics in the Netherlands to join our first annual Young KWG day on Friday the 24th of May. During this day, we aim to kickstart the Young KWG platform by providing all participants with a place to network, be inspired, and learn. Diletta Martinelli (assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam) will be our keynote speaker. During the workshop sessions, you can learn more about grant writing, giving a mathematical presentation, or how to build your own website! In addition, we will organise an exciting panel session on the bumpy road that is called a career. We hope to see you all during this day in Utrecht!
09:30 - 10:30: Arrival with registration and coffee/tea
10:30 - 10:45: Opening
10:45 - 11:30: Keynote speaker – Diletta Martinelli (Assistant Professor University of Amsterdam)
11:30 - 12:30: Activity
12:30 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 16:00: Parallel workshops:
- Presentation skills – Marloes ten Kate
- Grant writing and Funding possibilities – Steven Flipse
- Build your own portfolio website – Martijn Gösgens
16:00 - 16:30: Break
16:30 - 17:15: Panel discussion
17:15 – 22:00: Dinner/ borrel/ evening program
Keynote speaker – Diletta Martinelli
Diletta is an assistant professor at the Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics at the Universiteit van Amsterdam. Her research interests are in algebraic geometry and in particular in higher dimensional birational geometry. Her work aims to study effectivity questions on algebraic varieties related to their underlying topology as complex manifolds. Next to her research, Diletta is also very active in teaching and popularising mathematics. She is actively involved in several maths activities in the Global South and coordinates a working group of the Italian Mathematical Union dedicated to mathematics collaborations with the Global South. Shortly said, Diletta is everywhere and wherever she goes, she leaves a positive contribution!
We are very happy she will be our keynote speaker and we are sure her exciting mathematical adventures will inspire us all on the 24th !
- Presentation skills: Sharing specialist knowledge can be a challenge, but this knowledge is invaluable to share. During your career you will give various presentations, at conferences, grant committees, or for a broad audience. Join this workshop, given by Marloes ten Kate, to bring your presentation skills to a higher level.
- Grant writing and Funding possibilities: Getting a grant can be a big boost for your career. As an early career mathematician, you might be considering submitting a Rubicon or Veni proposal. During this workshop, given by Steven Flipse, participants will work on developing a proposal and learn about the various steps of the process. As homework, participants are asked to prepare a rough idea of their future project and bring this as input to the workshop.
- Build your own portfolio website: Would you like to make your own website? During this workshop, you will learn how to build a modern and attractive personal website. We will walk you through some free tools that you can use without requiring much technical skills. The workshop will be given by Martijn Gösgens.
Board of Young KWG
The board of Young KWG consists of enthusiastic volunteers that meet approximately once every month/two months to organise activities and come up with new initiatives to reach out and connect the mathematics community:
● Nicos Starreveld (Chair) (Teacher in the Bachelor Mathematics at University of Amsterdam)
● Lotte Weedage (Secretary) (PhD candidate at University of Twente)
● Sven Polak (Treasurer) (Assistant Professor at Tilburg University)
● Bharti Bharti (PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam)
● Mar Curco Iranzo (PhD candidate at Utrecht University)
● Pierfrancesco Dionigi (PhD candidate at Leiden University)
● Martijn Gösgens (PhD candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology)
● Nikki Levering (Postdoc at University of Toulouse)
● Tom van der Zanden (Assistant Professor at Maastricht University)
Past events
A PhD, is that for me? - 2nd of February in Utrecht.
As the name says: this event is for master students in mathematics who might be interested in pursuing a PhD in (applied) mathematics. During the day, we have an interesting talk by a full professor in Mathematics who will tell more about what it means to be(come) an academic, workshops on how to apply for a PhD, career orientation and the outcomes of a PhD. Lastly, we invited panelists from different fields (academia and industry) to share their experiences on their career and the decisions they made.
Plenary session on Generative AI in Mathematics Research and Teaching - 2nd of April, at NMC 2024 in Lunteren.
The session consists of three short talks by experts from research fields related to generative AI, and will cover the consequences of the developments in AI for mathematics research and teaching. Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion with experts. What is the impact of generative AI on our daily work as a mathematician?
Join Young KWG!
If you have any questions, ideas, suggestions, or want to contribute, don't hesitate to reach out to us via youngkwg@wiskgenoot.nl.