Young KWG day on 24th of May for all early career mathematicians
In almost a month, the first day for early career mathematicians in the Netherlands will be organized! Don't miss it! Please forward the news among your teams.
We warmly invite all young researchers in mathematics in the Netherlands to join our first annual Young KWG day on Friday the 24th of May in Utrecht! Young KWG is the newest addition to the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society (KWG), and aims to foster a community of young mathematicians in the Netherlands in the early stages of their careers, ranging from PhD-students and Postdocs, to early career assistant professors, from aspiring mathematics teachers to young industry professionals.
On the first Young KWG day we aim to kickstart the Young KWG platform by providing all participants with a place to network, be inspired, and learn. Diletta Martinelli (assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam) will be our keynote speaker. There is a workshop session specifically aimed at young mathematicians, in which you can learn more about grant writing, giving a mathematical presentation, or how to build your own website. In addition, we will organise an exciting panel session on the bumpy road that is called a career, in which mathematicians that chose different career paths talk about their perspectives.
More details about the program can be found at the Young KWG website (
Registration is open and accessible via this registration form (
Looking forward to seeing you in Utrecht!
On behalf of the organising committee
Nicos Starreveld (Teacher in the Bachelor Mathematics at University of Amsterdam)
Lotte Weedage (PhD candidate at University of Twente)
Sven Polak (Assistant Professor at Tilburg University)
Bharti Bharti (PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam)
Mar Curco Iranzo (PhD candidate at Utrecht University)
Martijn Gösgens (PhD candidate at Eindhoven University of Technology)
Nikki Levering (Postdoc at University of Toulouse)
Tom van der Zanden (Assistant Professor at Maastricht University)