Indagationes Mathematicae Best Paper Award

Each year, the editorial board of KWG’s scientific journal Indagationes Mathematicae selects the (according to the editorial board) best paper published in Indagationes Mathematicae in the previous year. The award is presented to the winning author(s) during the Netherlands Mathematical Congress and consists of an eulogy by Indagationes Mathematicae’s editor-in-chief, a lecture by the winning author(s), a cash prize of 1000 euro made available by KWG and Elsevier, and reimbursement of hotel and travel cost for the winning author(s).

Year Paper
2023 Catharina Stroppel, Jens Eberhardt (University of Bonn): IM vol. 33, pp. 190-217 (2022)

Gautam Chinta (City College of New York), Nathan Kaplan (University of California, Irvine), Shaked Koplewitz (Israel Institute of Technology): IM vol. 34, pp. 643-659 (2023)

Prizes Overzicht