ENSPM2021 on 12-16 July 2021
The Portuguese Mathematical Society is organizing the ENSPM2021 on 12-16 July 2021: https://enspm2021.spmatematica.online/
The list of plenary speakers includes four Fields Medalists and several ICM invited speakers, along with recipients of many other distinctions such as the EMS Prize, the Euler Medal, the Fermat, Fulkerson, Henri Poincaré, Loève Prizes, and more. The meeting has 11 slots for parallel sessions, two hours each, where many other outstanding mathematicians will share and discuss ideas: https://enspm2021.spmatematica.online/parallel-sessions-programme/
We hope this meeting will help important ideas to flourish, inspire and spread.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
João Araújo, Mário Bessa, Patrícia Gonçalves, Luis Merca