Membership fees

The KWG has five different rates per year:

  • normal members: € 97.50
  • reciprocity members (see below): € 77.50
  • retired and unemployed members: € 52.50
  • student members: € 42.50 (for 4 years at a maximum)

In addition, the KWG offers mathematics students (including teacher trainees) a free one-year membership immediately after obtaining their Bachelor or Master degree. Each KWG member has the right to nominate a new member once a year, in which case the new member does not pay any membership fee for the first year. The student membership and the free introductory membership are converted into a regular membership after one year.

The membership year starts and ends on the day your application is received. Payment is preferably made by direct debit, in which case you receive a € 2.50 discount on the membership fee. You can register directly as a member via the electronic form (in Dutch) or by sending an email (in English) to

Reciprocity membership

If you are already a member of one of the following sister societies, you can claim a reduced rate of € 72.50.

In the Netherlands:

  • Society for Statistics and Operations Research (VVSOR)
  • Dutch Society for Mathematics Teachers (NVvW)
  • Dutch Society for the Development of Arithmetic and Mathematics Education (NVORWO)


  • American Mathematical Society
  • Australian Mathematical Society
  • Belgian Mathematical Society
  • Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung
  • Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
  • Indian Mathematical Society
  • London Mathematical Society
  • Real Sociedad Matematica Española
  • Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  • Société Mathématique de France
  • South African Mathematical Society

Vice versa, for all these sister societies, KWG membership leads to a discount on their memberships. The rule is that the discount is given for the society in the country where the member does not live. As a KWG member, for example, you are entitled to a reciprocity discount on your AMS membership fee, provided you do not live in the USA. Vice versa, as an AMS member you can get a reciprocity discount of € 20 on your KWG membership fee, provided you do not live in the Netherlands.

Finally: As a member of the KWG you can become a member of the European Mathematical Society for half the price: € 25 (€ 50 normal).


Each member receives – if wanted – the quarterly journal Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde and the electronic news letter of the Royal Dutch Mathematical Society. A postage fee of € 10 will be charged for sending the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde abroad.

If you wish, you can also subscribe to the following items via the KWG:

  • Pythagoras, a mathematics journal directed towards secondary school students.
  • Indagationes Mathematicae, the scientific journal of the KWG at reduced rate.