KWG poster prize

Every year during the Dutch Mathematical Congress, a poster session is organized for all PhD students in Mathematics in the Netherlands. Prior to the poster presentation, each poster presenter introduces their poster in a one-minute pitch presentation during a special plenary session. A committee judges the posters and awards three prizes: €300, €200, and €100 for the best, the second-best and the third-best poster.


Winners 2023


1. Agnieszka Janicka (TU/e)

2. Martijn Kluitenberg (RUG)

3. Jelle Wemmenhove (TU/e)

Winners 2024

1. Jens de Vries (U Twente)

2. Agnieszka Janicka (TU/e)

3. Alexander Wierzba (U Twente)

Prizes Overzicht