About KWG

The Royal Dutch Mathematical Society, the Koninlijk Wiskundig Genootschap (KWG), has the distinction of being the oldest of all present-day national mathematical societies. Founded in 1778, it still carries its 18th century motto, Untiring labor overcomes all. In all other respects, the Society has adapted to the 21st century. It serves as the professional organization of individuals, in particularly the Netherlands, whose activities are related to mathematics.

The KWG organizes a variety of conferences and symposia focused at different groups of mathematicians. The Netherlands Mathematical Congress (NMC) is an annual two-day conference that attracts a large part of the mathematics community in the Netherlands. Once every three years at the NMC, the Brouwer Medal is awarded to a prominent mathematician. The Winter Symposium is aimed at high school teachers. The KWG supports the yearly Study Group Mathematics with Industry to promote the knowledge transfer between academic mathematicians and industry.

The KWG publishes the Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, a beautiful quarterly for all of its members, with a famous problem section. Further, it publishes the likewise beautiful Pythagoras, a journal for secondary school students which appears six times per year, and Indagationes Mathematicae, a research journal.

The KWG website provides information on the history and the current activities of KWG, and maintains a calendar for mathematical events organized in the Netherlands. The KWG has reciprocity agreements with the American (AMS and SIAM), Australian, Belgian, French, German, Indian, London and South-African mathematical societies, with the Netherlands Society for Mathematics Teachers, and with the Netherlands Society for Statistics and Operations Research.


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